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🎙️ Full Training Course with regular regulatory updates - NF525 🇬🇧


INFOCERT have developed a full training course package of 5 different training sessions to help you : better anticipate the changes between v2.2 and v2.3 of the NF525 certification rules, better prepare your company to upcoming reform on the e-invoicing, stay informed on the regulatory changes on all subjects linked with your certification thanks to regular regulatory updates, be aware of the major changes made on the quality requirements of the certification rules and to present you the new label launched by INFOCERT based on the eco-conception of the software to meet the environmental challenges of the sector and customer needs on their CSR approach.
The objective of this full training course is to save you valuable time in understanding and anticipating your audit of certification.
First training session of the 5 in which you will be able to register by registering to the full training course will take place on Friday March 1st from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and this first session will be dedicated to the presentation of the evolution of the certification rules between v2.2 and v2.3.
The cost of the full training session is €3 990 per company and gives access to 5 different training sessions for 2-3 people from the registered company.
As a reminder, INFOCERT being Qualiopi certified, you have the possibility of having your participation taken care of by your OPCO, so do not hesitate to ask them.

📆 I am registering for the full training course and I want to participate in the first session of March 1st from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Participant n°1:
Participant n°2:
Participant n°3: